14km. Relatively easy day. One big hill to cross over to get into Bilbao. But I’m completely shattered. The sun really got to me today.
Started off quick and smooth. Woke feeling a bit achy so hydrated for a while. Then had my breakfast and two cups of coffee and set out for the 4 km stretch of relative flat before crossing the hill. Made pretty good pace and felt ok on the climb, but I find waking ascents alone to be arduous - not enough distraction from the challenge. So I made my daily call to Mark and he accompanied me up the first half. I then ran into Sue, Dave, and Jeff having a rest and joined them the rest of the way up, where we were rewarded with a view of Bilbao below.
I said my goodbyes at the top and raced down to try to make it into town and to a sporting goods store before they closed at 1:30 for lunch. Got a bit lost and asked an elderly woman for directions. She ended up going out of her way to walk with me about half a km to get me on track. I was so worried about troubling her, but she reassured me by saying, ‘I’m old but not decrepit!’ Once I knew where I was going, I practically ran through town, in the heat, and finally arrived at 1:20. I’ve decided to change my sleeping bag (700 grams) for a sleep sack (140 grams). It means I will have to be careful to find hostels that have blankets, but I haven’t needed it yet and I really want to lighten my bag.
Once that was accomplished, I stopped for lunch. The rest was sorely needed. I’m beat today. Thankfully, I’m staying two nights here with Mark’s very good friends Andy and Leire. They are in Plentzia, which is about 20 km out of the city. I took a metro there and will return to resume my walk Monday morning. We had a lovely catch-up this evening. Can’t wait to sleep soon, and looking forward to exploring the town tomorrow.
Photos from the day: